Posted by INSI MI-4A

Salam Hangat Dari admin blog

Hai kawan-kawan sekalian posting ini merupakan pengenalan perdana kami selaku admin blog ini. Kami pribadi berharap agar content-content yang terdapat didalam akan berguna bagi kawan-kawan. Kami ucapkan terima kasih atas perhatiannya Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A

Mempercepat Streamin Pada Youtube

Pasti kalian tidak asing dengan website yang satu ini, ya benar Youtube penyedia jasa layanan video streaming ini memang sudah menjadi langganan para browser. Namun akan menjadi jengkel apabila proses buffering atau loading video sangat lambat. Temukan cara mudah untuk meningkatkan kinerja buffering dalam streaming video pada website youtube. Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A

Linux VS Windows

Masih jaman koleksi dosa dengan memakai software bajakan?????????????????????? Linux menawarkan Opetion System yang bersifat Open Source alias free license. Jadi kita gak bakalan numpukin dosa dengan make software bajakan. Dan kalian tidak perlu takut sama yang namanya razia Laptop jiga sewaktu-waktu harus traveling ke luar negeri. ^_^ Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A

Photodex Proshow Gold

Brother n sister Suka foto? suka memfoto? suka koleksi gambar? suka membuat film? kemarin aQ mengerjakan proyek dari temanQ untuk membuat film pernikahan. film itu yang isinya dari foto mereka. Bahasan kali ini akan mengupas tuntas cara membuat film dengan menggunakan Photodex Proshow Gold. Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A


Bagi kawan-kawan yang merasa I-net nya lamlo mungkin settingan ini dapat sedikit mendongkrak kecepatan anda dalam menjelajahi dunia internet. Jadi tidak ada salahnya untuk dicoba. Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A


Hai kawan-kawan sekalian posting kali ini adalah sebuah software gratisan yang luar biasa dapat menyulap file-file multimedia anda menjadi format yang anda inginkan. Dengan kata lain software ini memiliki layan All Format To All Format Converter, Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A


Bisa saya bayangkan apabila sewaktu anda ingin sudah lelah hunting Game terbaru dan setelah sampainya dirumah dengan penuh semangat yang mendebu-debu ingin menginstal Game tersebut. Tanpa pikir panjang anda langsung menginstal game tersebut, dan ups ternyata system pada windows meminta anda untuk mengupdate system dengan cara merestart PC anda. Dengan santai anda merestart PC anda, dan setelah selesai proses booting anda kebingungan kemana game yang tadi telah anda instal. Selengkapnya ==>>

Posted by INSI MI-4A

tips merawat PC

Bingun kenapa kinerja komputer/laptop anda semakin lambat, tranfer file semakin menjadi-jadi time elapsenya. Mungkin hal tersebut dikarenakan cara perawatan anda salah. Sedikit tentang perawatan PC/laptop dapat anda lihat disite ini. Selengkapnya ==>>

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Video Converence System In Department of Communication and Information North Sumatra


Communication is some important in conducting any activity to be conducted, without any communication it will certainly it almost take many problem in the pull through a process of achieving.
An existing information will not be submitted properly between one and the other person, especially if we have the review from field of office. I find it also in the Department of Communication and Information North Sumatra
Now it almost appear some question whether the main factors causing the disruption of communication among individuals, especially in the systems of Department of Communication and Information North Sumatra

Office automation is a plan to merge high technology through the implementation of process improvement work to improve the productivity of work.
The origin of the office automation was beginning of sixties,when IBM created the term word processing to describe the activities of electric typewriter division.
Assuming the frequent occurrence of problems in the delivery of information in systems of Department of Communication and Information North Sumatra, especially when the required emergency meeting occurred, the was question arised, "Is using the principle of office automation, the problems in the delivery of information can be done?, If the answer is YES what system should be created?"

Formulation of The Problem
Automation is the utilization of machines to perform physical tasks commonly performed by humans.

Office automation is all the electronic systems of formal and informal, especially related to communication of information to and from people inside and outside the company.

Formal and Informal Electronic Systems.
Some of the planned office automation systems is formally, and may be documented with a written procedure. However, the majority of office automation systems are not planned or described in writing.

Information Communication.
The Keywords that distinguish sub-office automation with other systems is communication. Office automation intended to facilitate all types of communication, both verbal and written.

Video conferencing is one solution to solve communication problems that often occur within the company.
Videoconferencing is the conduct of a videoconference (also known as a video conference or videoteleconference) by a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called 'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware.Videoconferencing differs from videophone calls in that it's designed to serve a conference rather than individuals. It is an intermediate form of videotelephony, first deployed commercially by AT&T during the early 1970s using their Picturephone technology.

People who are in suatulokasi can see and hear the voice of one other location while the conference was conducted.
Three configuration of video conferencing (depending on the equipment used), namely:
1. One-way video and audio in one direction
2. One-way video and two-way audio
3. Two-way video and audio

Goal Of Video Convenrence System

Finding a formula that factors important than communication problems, using the video converence system.

Benefit of Video Converence System

1. Facilitate in establishing communication
2. Improve efficiency in both time and material in the communication
3. Be a solution in emergencies, such as an emergency meeting

Restriction of System

Whole range of staff and staffing the Department of Information and Communication of North Sumatera